
The name of this organization is the Missouri Physiological Society (MoPS) Chapter, hereinafter referred to as “The Society”.


The purpose of The Society is to promote the increase of physiological knowledge, its dissemination, and its utilization in the state of Missouri with a special focus on Integrative, Systems and Translational Physiology. We envision a physiology that is dynamic, multidisciplinary, and utilizes diverse approaches to understand cellular, organ, and systems functions at deeper and broader levels. Membership will be open to all high school, undergraduate and graduate students, teachers, scientists, and science policy administrators/advocates in the state of Missouri with an interest in physiology.


Section 1: The Society shall consist of regular members, emeritus members, trainees, and student members.

Section 2: Regular Members. Any person, who is presently engaged in physiological research, teaching, and service in the state of Missouri, shall be eligible for proposal for regular membership in The Society.

Section 3: Emeritus Members. A regular member may apply to Council for transfer to emeritus membership if that person (1) has reached the age of 65 and is retired from regular employment or (2) has been forced to retire from regular employment because of illness or disability. An emeritus member may be restored to regular membership status on request to council.

Section 4: Trainee Members. Any research assistant or research associate or postdoctoral fellow, who is actively engaged in physiological work in the state of Missouri, as attested to by two regular members of The Society, shall be eligible for proposal for trainee membership. No individual may remain in this category for more than five years without reapplying.

Section 5: Student Members. Any high school or undergraduate or graduate student, who is actively engaged in physiological work in the state of Missouri, as attested to by two regular members of The Society, shall be eligible for proposal for student membership. No individual may remain in this category for more than five years without reapplying.


The amount of the annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee and shall be payable on the 15th day of January of any given year. The Society will NOT charge any annual dues to Student Members. Any member whose dues have not been paid within six months of the due date shall be dropped from membership. Reinstatement shall be accomplished by reapplication and submission of the annual dues required, including past due amounts. The Society promotes equal opportunity and diversity in membership.


Section 1: The officers of The Society shall be the President, Past President, and President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President shall not be from the same university for three consecutive terms.

Section 2: The President shall call meetings, determine the annual meeting theme and serve as the annual meeting coordinator as required to conduct The Society’s business and shall serve a one year term after which he/she serves as Past President.

Section 3: The President–Elect shall serve together with the President, for one year and then become President to work together with the new President Elect and the Past President. The President-elect shall act as President in absence of the President.

Section 4: The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve three years and be responsible for the preservation of The Society’s funds and shall report on financial status and shall disperse funds as authorized by a majority of the membership, the majority consensus of the Executive Committee, or as contained in the budget prepared by the Executive Committee. The Secretary and Treasurer shall also be responsible for any income tax filings.


Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Past President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairpersons of any standing committees.

Section 2: Committee Chairpersons shall appoint members of their own committee. Members of the committee shall serve a term of 3 years.

Section 3: The Annual Meeting Committee shall be chaired by the President.

Section 4: The elections procedure shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 5: Special committees, necessary for the development of The Society, may be appointed by the President with the consultation of the Executive Committee.


Section 1: Elections shall be held at the annual meeting.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall solicit from the membership nominees for officers.

Section 3: The list of nominees shall be presented to the membership in the form of a ballot. The ballot shall be anonymous.


Section 1: Annual Meeting. A meeting of the Society will be held annually for transacting business, electing officer and members, presenting communications, and conducting related activities, which shall include dissemination of new knowledge and technologies applied to teaching, research, and service.

Section 2: Time and Location. The date and location of the annual meeting shall be determined by the Committee.

Section 3: Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be held at such times as the Committee may determine.

Section 4: Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of Society Business shall be those members at the annual meeting.


Section 1: In the event of dissolution of The Society, Funds remaining after the payment of all obligations shall be donated to the American Physiological Society.

Section 2: Amount to be distributed is to be determined by a plurality of the members present at the meeting called distributions.

Section 3: Written notice of a meeting called for the distribution of funds must be sent at least four weeks prior to the meeting.


Section 1: These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting, or any special meeting duly called for the purpose by a 2/3 vote of the voting member present.

Section 2: A notice of such amendments must be sent with a notice of such meetings at four weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 3: The proposed amendments must be in an acceptable parliamentary form and must not conflict with or nullify un-amended sections of the Bylaws.