Home / Professional Development / Awards / Researchers / Cell & Molecular Physiology Section Hugh Davson Distinguished Lectureship


Award at a Glance

Award amount: $1,000, up to $2,000 to cover travel and per diem expenses and reimbursement of the advance registration fees to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the Cell Section banquet.

Deadline: March 15

Questions? Contact:  Sandrine V. Pierre, PhD, Chair, Cell & Molecular Physiology Section

Who can apply: Mid-career and senior-level scientists conducting cell and molecular physiology research.

Past Awardees

Award Description

Hugh Davson, DSci, (November 25, 1909–July 2, 1996) is well regarded for his work on ion transport and ocular fluids. The Davson Distinguished Lectureship is the Cell & Molecular Physiology Section’s highest award bestowed to a scientist who has made major and meritorious contributions to the scientific areas represented by the Cell Section in honor of Davson.


The nominee must: 

  • be distinguished scientists who have made meritorious contributions to the scientific areas represented by the APS Cell & Molecular Physiology Section.

APS membership and Cell Section affiliation are preferred, but not required. 

The Cell Section values diversity as defined by race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance and geographic location. (This list is not intended to be exhaustive.)  The Cell Section seeks potential awardees from all types and sizes of higher educational institutions. Candidates must be nominated by a regular or a subcommittee member of the Cell Section Steering Committee to be eligible for the award. 


The nomination package includes:

  • a synopsis of the nominee’s scientific contributions
Selection Committee

Members of the Cell Section Steering Committee nominate, vet and select the recipient of this award. A simple majority of votes cast by regular Steering Committee members determines who will receive the award.

The awardee will deliver the honorary Davson Distinguished Lecture and will be recognized at the American Physiology Summit. The awardee may also be invited to contribute a manuscript based upon the lecture for publication in the American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology.

New nominations for the award are accepted annually. Candidates in the pool of previous years’ nominees may also be considered for the award.