Building A Brand New Meeting 

We can’t wait to reveal the American Physiological Society’s (APS) new annual meeting—the American Physiology Summit—in April 2023. Led by diverse teams of APS members, we’ve spent hundreds of hours creating an innovative, unmissable annual event for those working, learning and teaching in the biomedical sciences.  

Summit Gradient Rule
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Years in the Making 

In 2019, Council unanimously voted to create a new stand-alone annual meeting. This meant parting ways with the Experimental Biology meeting, which was held for the final time in 2022. This also meant taking on the enormous task of developing something entirely new, intentionally planning a program to better serve our members.

Learn More  

Envisioning the Meeting 

In 2020, the Society assembled the Team 2023 Task Force to assist in the framing and development of our new annual meeting. These APS member-leaders represent the full scope of the organization, from early-career trainees and young professionals, to section, interest group, committee and Council representatives.

Meet the Task Force

Curating the Best Content  

In 2021, we established two programming governance groups to determine the scientific content of the Summit. With representation from APS membership, sections, interest groups and publications—and a firm commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion guiding principles—these organizers are poised to select top scientific content.

Meet the Organizers