Respondent Career Stage
Please indicate your career stage so you can be directed to the section of the survey with the relevant questions:
Career Stage | Percent (N=97) |
Undergraduate Student | 6% (N=6) |
Graduate Student | 0% (N=0) |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 18% (N=17) |
Other (Trainee) | 1% (N=1) |
PI/faculty member/lecturer (Primary role is educator) | 16% (N=15) |
PI/faculty member/staff scientist in an academic or non-academic setting (Primary role is researcher) | 57% (N=55) |
Other (Non-trainee) | 3% (N=3) |
Trainee Responses
Do you anticipate that closures related to COVID-19 will increase the time it will take to complete your training?
Answer | Percent (N=19) |
Yes | 58% (N=11)
No | 21% (N=4)
Not Sure | 21% (N=4)
Have coronavirus-related closures impacted your ability to apply for outside funding, such as grants or fellowships?
Answer | Percent (N=18) |
Yes, it has impacted my plans | 39% (N=7)
No, I am still able to apply | 22% (N=4)
I was not planning to apply for any grants or fellowships | 39% (N=7)
Has your salary been cut or have you been furloughed from your current position?
Answer | Percent (N=18) |
Yes | 6% (N=1) |
No | 94% (N=17) |
Have coronavirus-related closures caused cancellation of conferences or meetings where you were scheduled to present your research?
Answer | Percent (N=18) |
Yes | 83% (N=15) |
No | 17% (N=3) |
Have coronavirus-related closures affected your career plans?
Answer | Percent (N=19) |
Yes | 32% (N=6) |
No | 37% (N=7) |
Not Sure | 32% (N=6) |
Have coronavirus-related closures impacted your ability to seek new positions, such as internships, fellowships or jobs?
Answer | Percent (N=18) |
Yes | 28% (N=5) |
No | 61% (N=11) |
Not Sure | 11% (N=2) |
Have budget cuts affected your ability to maintain your association memberships?
Answer | Percent (N=19) |
Yes | 11% (N=2) |
No | 89% (N=17) |
Do you believe that home and family responsibilities due to the COVID-19 restrictions will negatively impact your career progress?
Answer | Percent (N=18) |
Yes | 50% (N=9) |
No | 33% (N=6) |
Not Sure | 17% (N=3) |
Principal Investigator Responses
Have COVID-19 disruptions led to damage or loss of specialized research resources such as animal or cell lines or prematurely ended long-term, time-sensitive experiments?
Answer | Percent (N=65) |
Yes | 45% (N=29) |
No | 51% (N=33) |
N/A | 5% (N=3) |
Has your salary been cut or have you been furloughed from your current position?
Answer | Percent (N=65) |
Yes | 28% (N=18) |
No | 72% (N=47) |
Have you had to lay off skilled staff from your lab, been unable to hire staff (including undergraduate students), or has your workforce been reduced due to coronavirus-related restrictions?
Answer | Percent (N=65) |
Yes | 49% (N=32) |
No | 51% (N=33) |
Have coronavirus-related closures affected your ability to recruit new graduate students, staff, and/or postdocs to your laboratory?
Answer | Percent (N=65) |
Yes | 60% (N=39) |
No | 17% (N=11) |
Not Sure | 23% (N=15) |
Have budget cuts affected your ability to maintain your association memberships?
Answer | Percent (N=65) |
Yes | 26% (N=17) |
No | 74% (N=48) |
Not Sure | 0% (N=0) |
Do you believe that home and family responsibilities due to the COVID-19 related restrictions will negatively impact your career progress?
Answer | Percent (N=65) |
Yes | 34% (N=22) |
No | 40% (N=26) |
Not Sure | 26% (N=17) |
Do you believe that COVID-19 will affect your ability to earn tenure at your current institution?
Answer | Percent (N=64) |
Yes, it will make it harder to achieve tenure | 14% (N=9) |
Yes, but accommodations are in place to account for lost research time | 17% (N=11) |
Not Sure | 11% (N=7) |
No | 16% (N=10) |
N/A | 42% (N=27) |
Do you believe that coronavirus-related closures will negatively impact your ability to apply for grants and/or maintain continuous funding?
Answer | Percent (N=65) |
Yes | 82% (N=53) |
No | 3% (N=2) |
Not Sure | 15% (N=10) |
Have coronavirus-related closures impacted funding decisions for grants you have applied for that were or are under review?
Answer | Percent (N=65) |
Yes | 19% (N=12) |
No | 43% (N=28) |
Not Sure | 39% (N=25) |
Respondent Demographics
Are you a current APS member?
Answer | Percent (N=83) |
Yes | 92% (N=76) |
No | 5% (N=4) |
Not currently, but I have been in the past | 4% (N=3) |
What is your ethnicity?
Answer | Percent (N=83) |
Hispanic or Latino | 11% (N=9) |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 83% (N=69) |
I prefer not to answer | 6% (N=5) |
What is your race?
Answer | Percent (N=83) |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 1% (N=1) |
Asian | 10% (N=8) |
Black or African American | 2% (N=2) |
Caucasian/white | 76% (N=63) |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | 1% (N=1) |
I prefer not to answer | 6% (N=5) |
Other | 4% (N=3) |
What is your gender?
Answer | Percent (N=83) |
Female | 58% (N=48) |
Male | 39% (N=32) |
I prefer not to answer | 4% (N=3) |