FAPS application deadline is September 15.
The rank of Fellow of the American Physiological Society (FAPS) is an esteemed member status reserved to honor distinguished leaders who have demonstrated excellence in science, have made significant contributions to physiological sciences and related disciplines and have served the Society. The designation of Fellow is an honor and shall remain valid for the duration of APS membership. Candidates should consider the advancement to Fellow status to be an opportunity to become more active in the internal affairs of the Society, including serving in a leadership capacity.
- Entitlement to use the designation of FAPS to represent outstanding achievement
- Recognition by the Society in various public forums
- Framed certificate of recognition
- Fellow lapel pin
- Crystal award
For consideration for FAPS status, candidates must:
- Possess regular and/or emeritus member status for at least fifteen (15) consecutive years prior to the year of nomination.
- If the applicant had a gap in membership for just cause, they must a) have at least fifteen (15) total years of regular and/or emeritus membership with five (5) years of consecutive regular and/or emeritus membership immediately preceding the year of nomination, and b) explain the lapse in membership in the application documentation.
- Have a track record of APS leadership or service (select at least 3 leadership/service categories from this list of examples). Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Category 1
- APS Counselor, APS elected office, or APS committee chair
- member of an APS committee, advisory group, or task force
Category 2
- leadership role in APS Section or Interest Group
- leadership role in APS Chapters
- member for an APS Section, Interest Group, or Chapter committee
Category 3
- editor-in-chief, deputy editor, associate editor, or editorial board member for any APS affiliated publication
Category 4
- leadership role in APS Local Undergraduate Research Award in Physiology Program (LURAP)
- leadership role or service in multiple APS sponsored outreach activities
Category 5
- APS Conference organizer
- symposium organizer at multiple APS conferences
Category 6
- other: please specify
(Note: Submitting abstracts and/or routinely having attended Experimental Biology or APS -branded meetings does not suffice.")
- Independent Grant Support/Funding: Serve as Principal Investigator for peer-‐reviewed extramural research support from a nationally or internationally recognized agency (e.g., NIH, NSF).
- Publications: Demonstrate consistent scholarly production in the form of journal articles and/or book chapters showing a significant impact in your scientific field that includes at least five (5) articles in APS publications as first or senior author.
- Administration: Serve in a leadership position in academia, industry or government (e.g., section chief, department chair, dean, vice president, chief medical officer, CEO, site lead, University committee chair, Director of Graduate Programs, Director of Clinical or Research Center/Program). Note: Simply serving as a member on a University or Departmental committee does not suffice.
- Professional Service: Provide unpaid service that promotes the discipline of physiology and/or medicine (e.g., scientific study section, editorial board for a non-APS journal, leadership role in another scientific society, local state and national science fairs, science blogger focusing on physiology/medicine).
- Teaching: Demonstrate leadership in local, state or national physiology or medicine education (e.g., course director, developed new courses or curriculum, developed/published teaching resources such as laboratory manual, textbook, or software package used at multiple institutions; recipient of teaching award(s), scholarly activity in education, etc.) Note: Simply providing lectures in a physiology course does not suffice.
- A “Statement of Qualifications” document generated by the applicant that highlights their evidence showing both (a) a commitment to the APS, as evidenced by a track record of leadership roles or service to the Society, and (b) a track record of accomplishments in at least three (3) of the five (5) prerequisite criteria.
- Curriculum Vitae (in PDF format)
- Name and email address of two (2) current APS Fellows, and a letter from each FAPS member that highlights the applicant's commitment to the APS and accomplishments as they relate to the prerequisite criteria, and also indicates their support for the applicant's FAPS nomination (required for all applicants). All Letters must be submitted by a current FAPS members.
In addition, exhibit a track record of accomplishments in at least three of the five prerequisites listed below:
Items required as part of the application/nomination process:
Candidates may apply or be nominated by any active APS FAPS regular or emeritus member who is well acquainted with the candidate's professional activities and volunteer involvement.
- Select Apply Now.
- Log In with Your APS Account. If you've forgotten your password, it may be reset on the login screen by clicking "Forgot Password".
To apply for the honor yourself, select Apply.
- The next screen will take you to the disclosure statement. Answer the question and click "submit"
- The application will then appear with the questions. Once you have answered the questions the red X will turn to a blue check mark.
- If you have file uploads be sure to click on the "upload selected file" button
- Once you have submitted all of your documents and answered all the questions click "submit application".
Or to nominate someone else for the honor, Enter the members email address in the text box under "Submit a Nomination."
- The award Fellows application will appear if they are eligible;
- Click the nominate button;
- Answer the disclosure statement question and hit submit;
- The application will appear. Answer all the questions and upload the necessary documents;
- Once completed click the "submit application" button. If you are not able to complete the full application click "save and continue later"
If you have questions or need assistance please contact Scarletta Whitsett, Awards and Events Manager.
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