Home / Professional Development / Awards / Researchers / Claude Bernard Distinguished Lectureship of the Teaching of Physiology Section


Award at a Glance

Award amount: $1,000, plus up to $2,000 travel reimbursement, reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiological Society Summit and a complementary ticket to the Teaching of Physiology Section banquet.

Application deadline: August 15

Questions? Contact: Alice R. Villalobos, PhD Chair, Teaching of Physiology Section 

Who can apply: Educators from all fields. 

Past Awardees

Award Description

The Claude Bernard Distinguished Lectureship Award is presented to an established investigator with a history of excellence in education who is making outstanding contributions to teaching and learning. This award is sponsored by American Physiological Society strategic partner, ADInstruments.


The applicant must:

  • be nominated by an APS member; and 
  • present a talk at the American Physiology Summit that furthers interest in and enhances educational practices relevant to teachers of physiology

The application package includes: 

  • nomination letter from an APS member,
  • two additional letters of support from APS members, and 
  • curriculum vitae 

Applications are only accepted via online submission.