Home / Professional Development / Awards / Trainees / Cell & Molecular Physiology Section Robert Gunn Student Awards


Award at a Glance

Award amount: $500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit

Application deadline: January 6

Questions? Contact: Member Communities Department 

Who can apply: Students who submit a first-author abstract to the Summit in a Cell Section topic area.

Past Awardees

Award Description

Robert Gunn, PhD served as Chair of the Cell & Molecular Physiology Section and is well regarded for his biophysical work on anion transport in red blood cells. The Cell & Molecular Physiology Section provides the Robert Gunn Student Awards to medical, graduate (doctoral or masters) or undergraduate students in his honor.

Abstracts must be submitted by the meeting abstract submission deadline. All additional application materials must be completed online by the award deadline. Only one application per candidate will be accepted for any specific year. Award cannot be received in consecutive years


The applicant must:

  • Be an undergraduate, graduate (doctoral or masters) or medical student at the time of presentation at the Summit.
  • Or the applicant’s direct mentor must be an APS member and have primary Cell Section affiliation.
  • Be first author on an abstract submitted under a Cell Section topic category.
  • Attend the American Physiology Summit to participate in a special poster session.

Application materials include:

  • Curriculum vitae.
  • PDF of the abstract.
  • Recommendation letter.
  • Abstract submission number, abstract author’s full name.
  • Abstract sponsor or advisor’s full name, abstract sponsor email and phone number, and abstract sponsor’s membership ID number.

Please note: The recommendation letter should be brief (half a page) from the applicant's mentor describing why the trainee is deserving of the award. Extra pages will be excluded from evaluation.

Members of the Cell Section Steering Committee will evaluate all submitted abstracts and supporting documents and select finalists. Finalists will be invited to give a poster presentation at the Summit. All finalists will be contacted via email and acknowledged in a pre-meeting newsletter to the Cell Section membership.

Poster judging typically occurs at the beginning of the annual meeting and awardees will be recognized at the Cell Section banquet at the Summit.

Applications are only accepted via online submission.