Home / Professional Development / Awards / Trainees / Cardiovascular Section Outstanding Graduate Student Trainee Award


Award at a Glance

Award amount: First place receives $1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit. Second and third place receive $500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit. All three awardees will receive up to $250 travel reimbursement and a complimentary ticket to the CV Section banquet.

Application deadline:  January 6

Questions? Contact: Huabo Su, PhD, Chair, CV Section Awards Committee  

Who can apply: APS members who are graduate students with primary CV Section affiliation.

Award Description

The American Physiological Society (APS) Cardiovascular (CV) Section Outstanding Graduate Student Trainee Award is made possible by the generous support of FujiFilm VisualSonics, Inc. The award recognizes a graduate student who is on a trajectory to make meritorious contributions to the scientific areas represented by the CV Section.

Selected finalists for the Outstanding Graduate Student Trainee Award will give an oral presentation on their research in the Cardiovascular Section Young Investigator Competition at the American Physiology Summit.


The applicant must:

  • Be an APS member with a primary affiliation with the Cardiovascular Section.
  • Be classified as a graduate student (or equivalent) with an academic institution or in industry
  • Submit their abstract for the American Physiology Summit to the "Cardiovascular Section Young Investigator Competition" topic category. 

The application includes:

  • PDF copy of the abstract.
  • Abstract number and first author's full name. 
  • Letter from the applicant's advisor, graduate study mentor or department chair in support of the candidate.
  • Biosketch in National Institutes of Health format, including descriptions of the applicant's training plan, how this training plan will help address important unanswered questions in cardiovascular physiology, service to CV Section and significant contributions to cardiovascular research.
Awardees will be selected on the basis of:
  • The quality of the abstract.
  • The applicant's potential for development into an independent investigator.
  • The applicant's ongoing and proposed future areas of investigation, as related to the CV Section. 
  • Service to APS and CV Section.
  • Oral presentation in the Young Investigator Competition.

    The awardee must attend and present their research at the American Physiology Summit and attend the CV Section banquet where they will be recognized. 

    Applications are only accepted via online submission.