Evidence-based Teaching Practices
The use and development of evidence-based teaching practices—proven to enhance student learning—is a foundational emphasis of the Center for Physiology Education. Educators can explore these resources to understand the benefits and value of data-driven teaching approaches as they develop and refine their own teaching strategies.

Evidence-based Teaching
Resources to Explore
Implement Active Learning
Engaging students through interactive approaches that enhance learning, confidence and self-efficacy.
LSE Evidence-Based Teaching Guides
CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2022
How People Learn II
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,
Active Learning
Brame C., Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching, 2016
Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
Freeman S., et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS),
Teaching More by Lecturing Less
Knight J.K., Wood W.B., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
High-Impact Practices
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 2022
Active Learning: “Hands-on” Meets “Minds-on”
Yannier N., et al., Science,
Active Learning and Student-centered Pedagogy Improve Student Attitudes and Performance in Introductory Biology
P., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
LSE Evidence-Based Teaching Guides
CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2022
A Comparison of Traditional and Engaging Lecture Methods in a Large, Professional-level Course
Miller C.J.,
et al., Advances in Physiology Education, 2013
Strategies to Mitigate Student Resistance to Active Learning
Tharayil S., et al., International Journal of STEM Education,
Promoting Student Metacognition
Tanner K.D., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Classroom Models
iBiology, 2014
The Tools: Active Learning Methods
iBiology, 2014
iBiology, 2014
Reconsidering the Share of a Think–Pair–Share: Emerging Limitations, Alternatives, and Opportunities for Research
K.M., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2021
iBiology, 2014
Interactive Video Vignettes
Modules for Interactive Teaching (MINT) Project, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2018
The Disruptor
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative, 2022
Small Changes in Teaching
Lang J.M., The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2018
Facilitate Peer Learning and Group Work
Structuring interactions among peers with guided tasks and prompts to increase student learning and prepare students for workforce team-based interactions.
LSE Evidence-Based Teaching Guide, Group Work
Wilson K.J., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
LSE Evidence-Based Teaching Guide, Peer Instruction
Knight J.K., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2018
Special Focus Issue: Small-Group Learning in Higher Education—Cooperative, Collaborative, Problem-Based, and Team-Based Learning
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 2014
LSE Evidence-Based Teaching Guide, Group Work
Wilson K.J., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
LSE Evidence-Based Teaching Guide, Peer Instruction
Knight J.K., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2018
Talking to Learn: Why Biology Students Should Be Talking in Classrooms and How to Make It Happen
Tanner K.D., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Team-based Learning: Design, Facilitation and Participation
Burgess A., et al., BioMed Central (BMC) Medical Education, 2020
Cooperative Learning in Industrial-sized Biology Classes
Armstrong N., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Caution, Student Experience May Vary: Social Identities Impact a Student’s Experience in Peer Discussions.
Eddy S.L., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Incorporate Case Studies or Primary Literature
Critically analyzing case studies or primary literature to provide opportunities for enhanced student learning through the application of content.
Examining the Impact of Case Studies on Student Learning, Interest, Motivation, and Belonging in Undergraduate Human Physiology
Pekary M.M., et al., Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) Educator, 2021
BioQUEST, 2022
NCCSTS Case Collection (formerly National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science at University of Buffalo)
National Science Teaching Association (NSTA), 2022
Teaching Students to Read the Primary Literature Using POGIL Activities
Murray T.A., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 2013
Figure Facts: Encouraging Undergraduates to Take a Data-Centered Approach to Reading Primary Literature
Round J.E., Campbell A.M., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
An Intensive Primary-Literature–based Teaching Program Directly Benefits Undergraduate Science Majors and Facilitates Their Transition to Doctoral Programs
Kozeracki C.A., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Design a Course
Designing or revising a course using evidence-based approaches to student learning.
Increased Course Structure Improves Performance in Introductory Biology
Freeman S., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
High-Impact Practices
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 2022
Active Learning and Student-centered Pedagogy Improve Student Attitudes and Performance in Introductory Biology
Armbruster P., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Teaching More by Lecturing Less
Knight J.K., Wood W.B., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Effect of Flipped Teaching on Student Performance and Perceptions in an Introductory Physiology Course
Gopalan C., Advances in Physiology Education, 2018
Undergraduate Research Experiences for STEM Students
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017
Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Can Make Scientific Research More Inclusive
Bangera G., Brownell S.E., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Inquiry-based and Research-based Laboratory Pedagogies in Undergraduate Science
Weaver G.C., et al., Nature Chemical Biology, 2008
Just-In-Time Course Design Resources
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), 2022
The Refinement of Flipped Teaching Implementation to Include Retrieval Practice
Gopalan C., et al., Advances in Physiology Education, 2020
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), 2022
Each to Their Own CURE: Faculty Who Teach Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Report Why You Too Should Teach a CURE
Shortlidge E.E., et al., Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (JMBE), 2017
Assess Student Learning
Using evidence-based approaches to measure student learning.
Engaging in Authentic Assessment
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 2022
Writing About Testing Worries Boosts Exam Performance in the Classroom
Ramirez G., Beilock S.L., Science, 2011
How Should I Study for the Exam? Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and Achievement in Introductory Biology
Sebesta A.J., Bray Speth E., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
VALUE Rubrics
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 2022
PULSE Rubrics
Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE), 2019
PULSE Assessment Resources
Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE), 2019
Phys-MAPS: A Programmatic Physiology Assessment for Introductory and Advanced Undergraduates
Semsar K., et al., Advances in Physiology Education, 2018
Collaborative Testing Enhances Student Learning
Rao S.P., et al., Advances in Physiology Education, 2002
Promoting Student Metacognition
Tanner K.D., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Assessment and Feedback
Heriot-Watt University, 2022
Implementing an Expressive Writing Intervention for Test Anxiety in a Large College Course
Doherty J.H., Wenderoth M.P., Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, Vol. 18, No. 2 August 2017
The Science Students Skills Inventory: Capturing Graduate Perceptions of Their Learning Outcomes
Matthews K.E., Hodgson Y., International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 2012
Weekly Formative Exams and Creative Grading Enhance Student Learning in an Introductory Biology Course
Bailey E.G., et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017
Grading for Growth
Talbert R., 2022
Using Kahoot! as a Formative Assessment Tool in Medical Education: A Phenomenological Study
Al-Aarifin Ismail M., et al., BMC Medical Education, 2019
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
UC Davis, 2022
How Much Do You Want Your Final to Count?
Lang J.M., The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2018
Learn More About the Center
Evidence-based Teaching Working Group
Janet Branchaw, PhD
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Julia Choate, PhD
Monash University, Australia
Kerry Hull, PhD
Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Cynthia Metz, PhD
University of Louisville School of Medicine, Kentucky
Chaya Gopalan, PhD, FAPS
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville