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Explore the science behind the biggest issues impacting life and health today and make connections that will last a lifetime at the 2025 American Physiology Summit (#APS2025).

Held annually by the American Physiological Society (APS), the Summit convenes 3,000 researchers, educators and students from around the world who are teaching, learning and working in the physiological sciences.

Join us in vibrant Baltimore where we'll have speakers to spark inspiration, spaces to evoke collaboration and social events to celebrate your shared passion for science.

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Understanding Life and Health: Immerse yourself in three days of stellar science from leaders in your field. The Summit features: 

  • Two general sessions to inspire the entire physiology community.
  • Eight game-changer sessions on vital issues presented by top scientists.
  • 80 foundational science sessions on novel topics that include intersectional and multidisciplinary sessions.
  • Poster receptions featuring discoveries on the cutting edge of bioscience.
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Vital Connections: Considered a homecoming for physiologists, the Summit is stacked with fun and unique opportunities to connect with old and new friends. Gather with 3,000 members of your global physiology community, a diverse yet close-knit cohort of individuals teaching, learning and working in physiology and related fields.

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Summit Landing Page Photos - Posters

Networking, Collaboration and Learning: Located in the Baltimore Convention Center, the PhysioHub is the heart of the Summit experience. Each day, there are new and exciting opportunities for scientific exchange, networking and collaboration. The PhysioHub is home to our lively poster receptions, games, industry partners and bonus sessions designed to move your work and career forward. 

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