APS chapters are independent non-profit organizations that serve to promote physiology research, education and outreach at a local and regional level. Chapters affiliate with the American Physiological Society to mutually promote growth and participation
in their society activities. APS membership is not required to join a chapter, but dual membership is encouraged.
Arizona Physiological Society
The purpose of the Arizona Chapter is to promote the discipline of physiology, advance physiological research and teaching, facilitate teaching and research forums for students and young investigators as well as to encourage interaction and fellowship among individuals interested in the physiological sciences and related fields within the state of Arizona.
Chapter Website BylawsBlue Bonnet Physiological Society
The purpose of the Blue Bonnet Physiological Society is to promote an increase of integrative physiological knowledge (including clinical and basic science research), its dissemination, and its utilization in the state of Texas and incorporated regions of the Blue Bonnet Society. The Blue Bonnet Society will accomplish this by facilitating collaborative research for members, supporting trainees and students with a career track in a physiology discipline (including clinical and basic science research), disseminating resources for institutional use at all academic levels, and engaging in public outreach to distribute physiology-based research/medical findings to the public within the geographic region of Texas and the Blue Bonnet Physiological Society’s regions. The Blue Bonnet Physiological Society shall provide an inclusive, open environment for the discussion of physiological research and teaching. Under no circumstances will the Blue Bonnet Physiological Society support or tolerate language, action or behavior that are deemed by standard societal convention as discriminatory, harassing, or of a nature that violates basic human rights.
Greater Washington D.C. Area Physiological Society
The mission of the Greater Washington Area Physiological Society is to unite physiologists in enhancing, networking and advancing physiologists and their research throughout the greater Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia area. With close proximity to the nation’s capital, our chapter specializes in science policy and emphasizes advocacy for biomedical research funding. We support the invaluable significance of basic, applied and translational research.
Chapter Website BylawsIndiana Physiological Society
The purpose of the Indiana Chapter is to promote the increase of physiological knowledge, its dissemination and its utilization in the state of Indiana. Advancing the field of physiology will be sought in molecular, cellular, organ and integrative systems in basic and applied disciplines of research to unite physiologists.
Chapter Website BylawsIowa Physiological Society
The mission of the Iowa Chapter is to unite physiologists in enhancing, networking and advancing physiology throughout the state of Iowa. This is at the molecular, cellular, organ and organismal levels. Both basic and applied research as well as teaching are included.
Chapter Website BylawsKentucky Physiological Society
The purpose of the Kentucky Chapter is to promote the increase of physiological knowledge, its dissemination and its utilization in the state of Kentucky. Advancing the field of physiology will be sought in molecular, cellular, organ and integrative systems in basic and applied disciplines of research to unite physiologists for this purpose in the state of Kentucky.
BylawsMichigan Physiological Society
The purpose of the Michigan Chapter is to promote an increase of integrative physiological knowledge, its dissemination and its utilization in the state of Michigan. The Society will provide a dynamic, inquiry-based environment where non-reductionist physiological research and teaching are valued, discussed and critiqued.
Chapter Website BylawsMidlands Society of Physiological Sciences
The Midlands Chapter fosters interdisciplinary contacts among researchers interested in the physiologic sciences and in the education of the general public and future physiologists.
Chapter Website BylawsMissouri Physiological Society
The purpose of the Missouri Chapter is to promote the discipline of physiology, advance physiological research and teaching, facilitate teaching and research forums for students and young investigators within the state of Missouri.
Chapter Website BylawsOhio Physiological Society
The purpose of the Ohio Chapter is to enhance and advance the field of physiology as a coordinated discipline consisting of the many subdisciplines working at the molecular, cellular and organ system levels of organization in both basic and applied areas.
Chapter Website BylawsOklahoma Society of Physiologists
The Oklahoma Chapter is an organization of scientists, educators and students in the state of Oklahoma dedicated to promoting research and education in the physiological sciences at all levels. Through the efforts of its members, the Oklahoma Society of Physiologists will continue to foster professional collaboration among Oklahoma institutions and high schools in order to meet the contemporary challenges confronting scientists and educators of physiology.
BylawsPuerto Rico Physiological Society
The mission of the Puerto Rico Chapter is to unite physiologists and promote the discipline of physiology throughout the island by exploring and encouraging interactions among students, young investigators and advanced faculty, who work in physiological sciences and related areas of biomedical research in Puerto Rico.
BylawsThe Rio Grande Physiological Society
The Rio Grande Physiological Society promotes the discipline of physiology by: 1) facilitating scientific research collaborations among members; 2) providing educational resources to physiology instructors at local institutions at all academic levels; 3) supporting students and trainees interested in physiology-related careers; and 4) disseminating physiological knowledge related to health promotion and other topics of general interest to the public within the geographic region of the Rio Grande valley.
Chapter Website BylawsAPS Chapter Annual Meetings
Missouri Physiological Society
September 14, 2024
Kansas City, MO
Ohio Physiological Society
September 20–21, 2024
Athens, OH
California Society of Physiologists
October 11, 2024
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA
Midlands Society of Physiological Sciences
October 19, 2024
Vermillion, SD
Iowa Physiological Society
November 15–16, 2024
Iowa City, IA
To add your APS Chapter annual meeting to this list, please contact chapters@physiology.org.
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Chapters Team