We’re excited to welcome you to the inaugural American Physiology Summit, a world-class physiology meeting designed by and for physiologists. The Summit program is filled with speakers to spark inspiration, spaces to evoke collaboration and social events to connect and network with your colleagues and friends. Take a peek below at an overview of some of the impressive lineup—and use our APS Physiology app to view a more exhaustive schedule (coming in March). We can’t wait to see you in Long Beach, California! Sign up for announcements to stay tuned in.

Thursday, April 20
Friday, April 21
Saturday, April 22
Sunday, April 23
Pre-conference Events
- 10th annual Physiological Omics conference
- 2023 Annual Marion J. Siegman Lectureship Award
- Canadian Physiological Society
- Center for Physiology Education Workshop on Physiology Education Research
- DataNCARNation (Neural Control of Autonomic Regulation Section)
- Data Diuresis (Water & Electrolye Homeostasis Section)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Women in Physiology Committee workshop
- History of Physiology Symposium
- History of Physiology Lecture
- The Microcirculatory Society
- The Epithelial Transport Group Pre-Summit Meeting for Young Scientists, Including the Hans Ussing Lecture
- Considerations for reproducibility in designing animal experiments (Science Policy)
Keynote Address
- Opening Keynote: Kick off the 2023 Summit with an opening keynote talk by Nobel Laureate David Julius, PhD. Julius' talk will be followed by an outdoor welcome reception for all attendees.
Social Events
- Welcome Reception: Following the opening keynote by Nobel Laureate David Julius, PhD, we're celebrating the launch of the Summit with a welcome party for everyone. We welcome all career levels, including established scientists, principal investigators, experienced educators, trainees and students, to come together in Long Beach. Meet us out on the beautiful terrace plaza.
Ticketed Events
- Trainee Bash: The trainee bash, open to graduate students, trainees and postdoctoral fellows, will be held at Bogart's, located inside the Long Beach Convention Center, following the welcome reception. Space is limited to the first 350 people to purchase tickets. Purchase your ticket when you register for the Summit.
PhysioHub Events
- Publish with Purpose Series: From Poster to Paper
- See more daily opportunities for scientific exchange, networking and collaboration in the PhysioHub
Game Changer Sessions
Foundational Science Sessions
- August Krogh Distinguished Lecture and trainee highlights
- Berne-Wiggers-Kaley Cardiovascular Award session
- Brain-powered: diet and exercise influences on brain bioenergetics and neurocognitive function
- Cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes of gender transition: humans and animal models
- Cardiovascular hot topic: xenotransplantation—evolution and update
- Carl Ludwig Distinguished Lectureship of the APS Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section
- Cell signaling: proteins, pathways and mechanisms
- Chloride, sodium and bicarbonate secretion in the lung and intestine: similarities and divergences
- Coordinating breathing with other vital physiological behaviors
- Debatable topics in gluconeogenesis
- Emerging roles of extracellular vesicles in central nervous system pathologies
- Ernest H. Starling Distinguished Lectureship of the APS Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section
- Expanding our vision on membrane (patho)physiology: novel microscopy techniques across disciplines
- From human to superhuman: the influence of the gut microbiota on human physiology
- Hidden in plain sight: using counter storytelling to cultivate a more inclusive discipline
- Horace W. Davenport Distinguished Lectureship
- Incorporating scientific uncertainty in physiology education
- Inflammatory and immune adaptations to hypoxia
- Imaging in the blood-brain interface
- Ion channels, transporters and pumps in health and disease
- Lahiri-Cherniack symposium
- Of mice and humans: physiological consequences of climate change
- Renal Section Young Investigator Award and Gottschalk Distinguished Lectureship
- Senescence: a translational perspective for sarcopenia and muscle atrophy
- Sleep and homeostasis: would Walter Cannon advise more sleep?
- Solomon A. Berson Distinguished Lectureship, New Investigator and Mahesh awards
- State-of-the-art research and clinical applications of machine learning to push physiology forward
- Steve Hebert Lecture
- The two sides of the placenta: recent advances in maternal health and fetal programming
- Using multi-omics to understand GI physiology and disease
Social Events
- Poster Viewing Receptions: Complete with wine and cheese, our poster receptions will be a display of the most recent advances in physiology and related disciplines. Come to the PhysioHub to engage with fellow foundational science researchers to celebrate and share the discoveries you're making together.
Ticketed Events
PhysioHub Events
- Industry Partner Workshop: Comparison Across Species, Individuals and Disease States Enabled by Spatial Mapping with the SPARC DRC
- Industry Partner Workshop: Ramp Up Your Research and Teaching with Modular, Multimodal Data Acquisition and Analysis Systems
- Industry Partner Workshop: Room Air versus 100% O2: Considerations for Anesthetic Delivery
- Industry Partner Workshop: The Vevo F2 LARZ-X: Searching High and Low
- Microtalk: Advantages of Highly Structured Course Design
- Microtalk: Ask an APS Journals Managing Editor
- Microtalk: Chapter Award Presentation and an Introduction to APS Chapters
- Microtalk: Writing an Op-ed
- Publish with Purpose Series: Peer Review with Purpose
- Publish with Purpose Series: Practical and Tactical Tools for Rigor and Reproducibility
- Wine and cheese poster reception
- See more daily opportunities for scientific exchange, networking and collaboration in the PhysioHub
Game Changer Sessions
Foundational Science Sessions
- Advances in renal physiology I
- Biomedical applications of comparative physiology
- Cardiovascular health care disparities: physiological gaps in knowledge
- Cardiovascular Young Investigator Award session
- Cellular Mechanisms of Stress, Inflammation and Metabolism
- Crosstalk and microbiome in epithelial organs
- Crosstalk between the intestinal epithelium and the endocrine system in the pathogenesis and treatment of metabolic diseases
- Deep exploration of Gpcrs as potential therapeutic targets in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases
- Edward F. Adolph Distinguished Lectureship
- The entire story, top to bottom: microvascular homeostasis in health and disease
- Epitranscriptomic contributions to the brain-heart axis
- Hot topics in endocrinology and metabolism
- Hypoxia and ischemic reperfusion, from hibernators to stroke victims
- Informing the immune response: the role of the autonomic nervous system with immunity and inflammation
- Insights into physiology from Mother Nature
- Interoceptive mechanisms of physiologic homeostasis
- Joseph Erlanger Distinguished Lectureship
- Julius H. Comroe Jr. Distinguished Lectureship
- The multiple emerging functions of Trp and Piezo channels as physiological sensors in epithelial tissues
- New physiology of salt balance
- Physical inactivity as leading risk factor for mortality and noncommunicable diseases
- Physiology and the envirome: multi-omic advances in understanding environmental effects on physiology
- The rejuvenating effects of exercise during aging
- Revisiting the signaling mechanisms underlying insulin and exercise-induced muscle glucose transport
- Sex differences in physiology in relation to health and disease risk
- Sexual dimoprhisms in physiology, sex steroid hormones: what's all the fuss about?
- Single cell analysis and multiple phenotypes: novel insights into cardiac structure and remodeling
- State-of-the- art discussion on mechanisms of host-microbiota contributions to health and disease
- What we have learned about COVID-19 acute lung injury: physiologic, biologic and immunologic mechanisms
- What happens in vagus
Social Events
- Poster Viewing Receptions: Complete with wine and cheese, our poster receptions will be a display of the most recent advances in physiology and related disciplines. Come to the PhysioHub to engage with fellow foundational science researchers to celebrate and share the discoveries you're making together.
Ticketed Events
PhysioHub Events
- Career Showcase: Essential Career Skill Talks
- Career Showcase: Exploring Careers Outside of Academia Panel and Networking
- Career Showcase: “My life as a …” Talks
- Industry Partner Workshop: Automated Rodent Home Cage Testing for Metabolic, Behavioral and Physiological Phenotyping
- Industry Partner Workshop: Cardiac Tissue Slices: Preparation, Data Acquisition and Analysis
- Industry Partner Workshop: Small Animal Imaging: Modalities and Applications
- Industry Partner Workshop: SPARC Emerging Scientists: Investigations in Peripheral Nervous System Neuromodulation
- Industry Partner Workshop: Untethering Pressure-flow Relationships: Advances in Cardiac and Renal Telemetric Monitoring
- Microtalk: Ask an APS Journals Managing Editor
- Microtalk: Everything You Need to Know about APS Chapters
- Microtalk: Engage with Your Local Community with APS Chapters
- Microtalk: Q&A with Science Policy Committee Chairs
- Publish with Purpose Series: Increase Your Impact: How to Improve the Visibility of Your Research
- Publish with Purpose Series: Under the Hood: Tips and Tricks to Publish with Purpose
- Wine and cheese poster reception
- See more daily opportunities for scientific exchange, networking and collaboration in the PhysioHub
Foundational Science Sessions
- A bun in many ovens: impact of pregnancy on multiorgan physiology
- Advances in hypertension as a metabolic disease: contributions of microbiota and metabolites, the renal MTOR pathway, host immune response, epigenetics and circadian rhythms
- Advances in renal physiology II
- Bidirectional gut-brain communication: the role of stress, inflammation, pain and environmental exposures
- Cortical representation of movement and its capacity to encode motor learning during experience
- Emerging multifunctional roles of peripheral serotonin in health and GI
- History of physiology session
- Impact of opioid epidemic on the cardiovascular and metabolic system
- Making ‘sense’ out of olfactory and taste receptors in unexpected places
- Mechanotransduction in remodeling of heart and lung in health and disease
- Mitochondrial metabolic and redox pathways in vascular health and disease
- Neuron-glial interactions in the periphery
- Physiology against the clock: the circadian regulation of organismal homeostasis in a dynamic 24-hour world
- Plasma membrane repair: a central process for maintaining cellular homeostasis
- Role of innate and adaptive immunity in heart failure
- Sex differences in cardio-renal mechanisms of salt-sensitive hypertension
- Sexual dimorphism in muscle maintenance
- Unraveling the complexity of extracellular vesicles as intercellular messengers
- Women and disease: disparities and novel interventions
Keynote Address
- Closing Keynote: End the 2023 Summit with the closing keynote talk by Terrie Williams, PhD.
Trainee Sessions
- Negative data and wrong hypotheses: turning lemons into lemonade
- How to develop your research program and lead your lab team to success
- Harnessing science communication to improve your career
- My health, my wealth: How to survive and manage challenges as an early-career scientist
PhysioHub Events
- Microtalk: Ask an APS Journals Managing Editor
- Microtalk: Build Your CV with APS: Opportunities for Students and Trainees
- Microtalk: Engage with Your Local Community with APS Chapters
- See more daily opportunities for scientific exchange, networking and collaboration in the PhysioHub
Summit Menu
- Abstracts
- Advocate for Women's Health Research Funding
- Awards
- Dates and Deadlines
- Game Changers
- Keynote Speaker—James Rothman, PhD
- Keynote Speaker—George Brooks, PhD, FAPS
- Keynote Speaker—Holly Ingraham, PhD
- PhysioHub
- Pre-Summit Events
- Program
- Registration
- Section & Group Banquet Tickets
- Social Events
Getting and Staying There
About the Summit
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Conference Policies
- Shaping the Summit
- Summit Attendees at a Glance
- View Past Summit Abstracts
Industry Partners
- Visit Our Industry Partners at the Summit
- Be a 2025 Industry Partner
- Thank You, 2024 Industry Partners
Sign Up for Announcements
Looking for 2024 Summit Information?
Count down to the Summit, April 20–23, 2023 in Long Beach, California. Mark your calendar and plan to attend.