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Build the Career You Want

Thinking about a career in physiology? Find out exactly what physiology is and explore your career options.

American Physiological Society (APS) members are part of a community that promotes awareness of the wide spectrum of physiology careers. Our members also help others with an interest in physiology reach their full career potential. Here you’ll find career resources that draw on the collective wisdom of those working in physiology and related fields. You’ll also find tips and tricks from established researchers who are committed to helping the next generation of physiologists successfully navigate their careers.

Want to have a dynamic and supportive professional society in your corner? Become a member of the American Physiological Society.

Job Board 

Researcher working in an APS member's labLooking for the next step in your career in science? With career opportunities across academia, government, industry and nonprofits, visit the new tech-enabled APS Job Board to find the ideal match for your experience and expertise. 

Career Gateway 

Researcher working in an APS member's labThe APS Career Gateway provides current physiologists with professional development for every step of their career journey. Divided into categories relevant to researchers, educators and trainees, our collection of resources includes articles, courses and webinars, documents, videos and video series, and webpages. 

Career Navigator 

APS member in her labWhen it comes to choosing a career, there's never just one path. Careers related to physiology exist across sectors in industry, government, nonprofit organizations and academia. Each sector offers different experiences, career opportunities and benefits, and serves varied interests and personalities. Discover all the opportunities currently available to you in the field of physiology. 

Center for Physiology Education 

Individual Graphics - CPEThe Center for Physiology Education is a community of excellence focused on elevating the way we teach and learn physiology. The Center provides educator- and researcher-designed learning modules, 300+ expert-approved resources and opportunities to communicate with others in the field of physiology education. 

Graduate Physiology & Biomedical Science Catalog 

Individual Graphics - Grad CatalogThe APS Graduate Physiology & Biomedical Science Program Catalog is a guide to assist undergraduate students and early-career scientists in their search for the next step in their education. The catalog features detailed profiles of leading institutions in advanced physiology and biomedical education. Students may compare programs and identify schools that match their interests as researchers and scholars. 

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