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Policy IQ
- Policy IQ—2023 in Review: How APS Advocated on Behalf of Physiologists
- Policy IQ—Supporting Equitable Research
- NIH's Road Map to a Better Postdoc Experience
- The Career Path to Science Advocacy
- Culture of Safety: Stopping Sexual Misconduct
- Physiologists Return to Capitol Hill
- Tips for Scientists to Communicate about Animal Research
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- Baseline by Scott Steen, CAE, FASAE
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American Physiology Summit
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- Keynote Speaker—James Rothman, PhD
- Keynote Speaker—George Brooks, PhD, FAPS
- Keynote Speaker—Holly Ingraham, PhD
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- Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award Networking Luncheon Agenda
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- APS 2023 Call for Proposals
- Shocklogic Test
- Team 2023 Task Force
- Shaping the Summit
- Schedule at a Glance
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- Pre-Summit Center for Physiology Education Workshop
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- Keynote Speaker—Terrie Williams, PhD
- Keynote Speaker—David Julius, PhD
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American Physiology Summit
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Career Gateway
- Transcript—Leading Through Conflict and Difficult Conversations
- Transcript—Managing Conflict with Colleagues
- Transcript—Leading a Team Through Conflict
- Transcript—Providing Difficult Feedback
- Transcript—Team Dynamics and Culture Primer
- Transcript—Building a Team
- Transcript—Leading a Team Assigned to You
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- APS Graduate Physiology & Biomedical Science Catalog
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APS Graduate Physiology & Biomedical Science Catalog
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- George Washington University
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- Michigan State University
- New York Medical College
- Nova Southeastern University
- Pennsylvania State University
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- Texas A&M University Medical Physiology
- Stony Brook University
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- Physiology Department Catalog Submission Form
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- About APS
Leadership Development Committee
To facilitate the APS nominations and elections processes. The Leadership Development Committee is responsible for nominating a contested slate for president-elect and at-large directors, for election by the members, and treasurer, for election by the board of directors. The committee also identifies, prepares and recruits candidates with the aid of the APS Advisory Council and membership-at-large.
The Leadership Development Committee will accomplish these tasks by:
- Soliciting candidate recommendations from the APS advisory committee, members and leaders.
- Providing relevant information and materials to potential candidates.
- Conducting interviews and clarifying competencies and multi-representational balance elements with the APS Board of Directors.
- Developing a rubric for the evaluation of candidates for consistent and uniform evaluation.
- Conducting a fair, transparent and consistently applied process for candidate evaluation.
The immediate past president chairs the Leadership Development Committee for one year. Three members of the Board who are serving the third year of their term also serve on the Leadership Development Committee for one year. Five non-Board members selected by the Advisory Council serve a two-year nonrenewable term. The APS CEO serves as an ex officio member without vote.
Current Leadership Development Committee
- Rick Samson, PhD, DSc, FAPS, Chair
- Heddwen Brooks, PhD, third-year Board member
- Nisha Charkoudian, PhD, third-year Board member
- Evangeline Motley-Johnson, PhD, third-year Board member
- Carole Liedtke, PhD, FAPS, selected by Advisory Council
- David Poole, DSc, FAPS, selected by Advisory Council
- Timo Rieg, PhD, selected by Advisory Council
- Kathy Ryan, PhD, FAPS, selected by Advisory Council
- Loren Wold, PhD, selected by Advisory Council
- Scott Steen, CAE, FASAE, APS CEO
2024–2025 Nominations Process and Timeline
Sept. 9—Nominations Open to APS Members
- APS members receive an email to submit nominations for president-elect and APS Board members. See criteria listed below.
- Members will be provided a list of past and current APS councilors/directors and past presidents. Members of the Board of Directors and presidents may only serve one term.
- Nominees for president-elect must have served on the Council/Board as either an elected or ex officio member.
- Members will receive weekly reminders to submit their nominations.
- Nominations are open for 30 days.
Oct. 7—Deadline for Membership Submissions
- The Leadership Development Committee begins the review process. APS staff sends the Leadership Development Committee a list of all eligible members who were nominated.
- The Leadership Development Committee contacts eligible candidates to confirm their willingness to serve.
- Candidates are provided with required competencies, time expectations and position descriptions.
- Willing candidates must provide:
- Curriculum vitae
- Self-endorsement form. The form should provide a self-appraisal describing how they have served the Society and how their skills or experiences demonstrate the required competencies.
Nov. 12—Leadership Development Committee Candidate Review Meeting
- The Leadership Development Committee convenes to discuss candidate applications.
- The immediate past president chairs the meeting.
- When reviewing and selecting the candidates, important criteria to consider are the candidates’ match for the identified competencies:
- Qualifications, skill set and merit.
- Past participation in APS activities.
- Potential contributions to the Society as a future officer.
- Diversity background to foster an ongoing pipeline of diverse leaders with a diverse set of competencies.
- All discussions are confidential.
Dec. 2 and Dec. 3—The Leadership Development Committee Conducts Interviews with Potential Nominees
- The Leadership Development Committee will schedule 15-minute interviews with potential nominees.
Dec. 5—Leadership Development Committee Candidate Selection Meeting
- The Leadership Development Committee nominates a slate with:
- Two candidates for president-elect.
- Six candidates for Board members.
- The Leadership Development Committee will contact the candidates who did not make the ballot.
- The CEO or LDC chair will contact the candidates who will be on the ballot.
Jan. 30, 2025—Get to Know the Candidates Town Hall Meeting for Membership
- A 90-minute town hall event will be held where each candidate will provide a brief description of their intent.
- Members will be able to ask questions.
Jan. 31, 2025—APS-wide Election Begins and Stays Open for 30 Days
- The membership receives a ballot with:
- Two names for president-elect.
- Six names for Board members.
- APS dues-paying members will choose one candidate for president-elect and three for directors.
Feb. 28, 2025—Elections Close
- The president will call the successful and unsuccessful candidates for president-elect and Board members.
Early/Mid-March—Elections Update
- New officers and Board members are announced to membership.
- Notice will be placed in The Physiologist Magazine and News Update.
April 23, 2025—New President-elect and Board Members Attend the Board of Directors Spring Meeting
- New officers and Board members attend the American Physiology Summit as guests.
- Terms begin at the close of the annual business meeting at the Summit.
Eligibility for President-elect
Candidates must have prior experience on the APS Council/Board of Directors as an elected councilor or director.
Eligibility for Board Members
Candidates should have recent experience serving the Society by participating in one or more of the following: APS section or interest group steering committees, an APS committee, APS publications as an editor or editorial board member, or an APS task force or other special project.