A list of upcoming meetings from related organizations. To have your meeting posted to this page, please e-mail the following details to the APS Webmaster:

  • Meeting dates
  • Meeting title
  • City, State, Country of Meeting
  • Contact information

Meetings are listed chronologically.


October 23-25
National Conference on Women's Health and Sex Differences Research: Sex Differences Across the Lifespan: Focusing on Cardiometabolism and Mental Health, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Information: Draft agenda: https://medschool.cuanschutz.edu/docs/librariesprovider49/national-conference-files/nc-2024/lfc_2023-002_nat-conference_agenda_v2.pdf?sfvrsn=2e46ffbb_1; Register:  https://cvent.me/xr13QX 


March 12-13
3rd World Heart Congress, London, UNITED KINGDOM
Information: Internet: https://heartcongress.org/index.php; Email: cardiology@scientificmeetings.net

April 24-27
9th International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy 2025, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Information: Email: secretariat@cppcongress.com; Internet: https://cppcongress.com/ 

May 16-19
31st International Stress and Behavior Conference, Yerevan, ARMENIA
Information: Abstract submission deadline: February 28; Internet: https://www.stressandbehavior.com/160525-conference-page 

June 3-6
Thomas L. Petty Aspen Lung Conference, 67th Annual Meeting on “Exploring the Void: Advances in Parenchymal Destruction in Emphysema”,  Aspen, Colorado
Information: Internet: www.aspenlungconference.org; Email: Jeanne.Cleary@cuanschutz.edu