APS is committed to creating an environment where individuals can exchange ideas and be safe, accepted and respected. Learn more about our core values and policies that support increased diversity and inclusion in research. 

APS Core Values

The American Physiological Society (APS) is committed to creating an environment where individuals can exchange ideas and be safe, accepted and respected. The Society has developed nine core values to ensure the support of its members and a professional culture that has zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Diversity Statement

APS is a community that appreciates, values and seeks the different dimensions that age, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, socio-economic status, religious beliefs, experiences, perspectives, lifestyles, geographic regions and cultures have to offer. View the full statement.

Member Code of Conduct

APS members shall advance the discipline of physiology through integrity and excellence in teaching, research and service. Discrimination, harassment in any form, and bullying create a hostile environment that marginalizes individuals and communities, and thereby reduces the quality, integrity and pace of the advancement of science. View the full policy.

Conference Code of Conduct

APS is committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin or other protected characteristics. View the full policy.

Honors and Awards Policy

APS confers honors and awards, including but not limited to awards and fellowship status; service on committees, Council and other volunteer positions (“honors”). The Society also recognizes individuals for significant contributions to the field or interests of the membership. All honors and awards are conferred at the Society’s discretion, and it retains the right to grant, defer or decline to grant an honor to any person. View the full policy.

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Submitting a Report of Misconduct

In keeping with policies on member conduct, the Society will record all reports received of alleged misconduct by its members, and further investigate those that are associated with the Society's programs or sponsored events. This document outlines how to submit a report and what steps the Society will take to investigate reports of misconduct by its members. View the Process for Investigation of Misconduct Allegations.

Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM

SCSHSTEMAPS is pleased to be one of the 100 inaugural members of the Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM. The mission of this group is to set standards of excellence in STEMM fields, requiring high quality research, teaching and practice and high standards of professional and ethical conduct. Members of this consortium work together with the Education Counsel to develop model frameworks and policies to advance professional and ethical conduct, climate and culture—and excellence—in our disciplines.

APS Statements

APS Task Force on Sexual Harassment

These policies and statements were developed by the APS Task Force on Sexual Harassment. For more information about the Task Force’s activities, see the following articles in The Physiologist Magazine.