Home / Professional Development / Meetings & Events / Guidelines for APS Conferences

Submission of Initial Idea

A preliminary letter of intent that provides an overview of the conference title, format, topics covered is required 3 years prior to the conference being held.  Letters may be sent to meetings@physiology.org. This is approved by the APS Council, and if approved a full proposal will be requested..

Proposal Submission

Approximately 2 years prior to the conference, organizers will be required to provide a detailed program outline including any social events. The detailed program should include proposed session chairs and speakers, tentative talk titles, poster sessions; trainee participation (talks and/or co-chairs), and underrepresented populations. The detailed program outline should be sent to meetings@physiology.org. Organizers should reference the APS Specialty Conferences - Organizer Success Measures document dated March 12, 2024, when submitting their full proposal.

Organizers are responsible for inviting and confirming all session chairs and approximately one third of the speakers prior to submitting the conference application. Half of the session chairs and speakers should be new (not previously presented at or chaired at the previous conferences). 

Robust representation of women, international participants, junior investigators (assistant professors or below), and participants from underrepresented groups is also expected. Meeting participants should be of all ages, with generous representation of trainees.

To make the presentations as timely and cutting edge as possible, it is expected that most of the information presented during the conference program (oral presentations, posters) should be unpublished, and speakers and poster presenters should be made aware of this by organizers.

Organizer and APS Responsibilities

Please reference the APS Specialty Conferences - Organizer Planning Guide dated March 12, 2024, for an outline of financial and fundraising responsibilities.

Values and Policies

APS expects all conference organizers to abide by the following policies:

Code of Conduct

APS is committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin or other protected characteristics. View the APS Conference Code of Conduct.

Honors and Awards

APS confers honors and awards, including but not limited to awards and fellowship status; service on committees, Council, and other volunteer positions (“honors”). The Society also recognizes individuals for significant contributions to the field or interests of the membership. All honors and awards are conferred at the Society’s discretion, and it retains the right to grant, defer or decline to grant an honor to any person. View the APS Honors and Awards Policy.

Photography/Video Recording

Photo or video capture of any scientific presentation, whether an oral or poster presentation in whole or in part, is expressly prohibited. Recording or taking photographs of another person without their explicit permission is prohibited. The reason for this is that presenters are requested to make the majority of the oral or posters presentation non-published work.

Individuals observed photographing or videotaping any presentation, in whole or in part, will be asked to leave the conference immediately, forfeiting the registration fee. 

View all of APS’ Values and Policies statements.

Submission Deadline Dates

January 15
May 15
September 15


APS Office of Scientific Meetings