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Policy IQ
- Policy IQ—2023 in Review: How APS Advocated on Behalf of Physiologists
- Policy IQ—Supporting Equitable Research
- NIH's Road Map to a Better Postdoc Experience
- The Career Path to Science Advocacy
- Culture of Safety: Stopping Sexual Misconduct
- Physiologists Return to Capitol Hill
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The Physiologist Magazine
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American Physiology Summit
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- Keynote Speaker—James Rothman, PhD
- Keynote Speaker—George Brooks, PhD, FAPS
- Keynote Speaker—Holly Ingraham, PhD
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- Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award Orientation Agenda
- Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award Networking Luncheon Agenda
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- APS 2023 Call for Proposals
- Shocklogic Test
- Team 2023 Task Force
- Shaping the Summit
- Schedule at a Glance
- Pre-Summit Events
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- Pre-Summit Center for Physiology Education Workshop
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- Keynote Speaker—Terrie Williams, PhD
- Keynote Speaker—David Julius, PhD
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- Transcript—Leading Through Conflict and Difficult Conversations
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- Transcript—Leading a Team Through Conflict
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- Transcript—Team Dynamics and Culture Primer
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APS Graduate Physiology & Biomedical Science Catalog
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- About APS
APS is committed to creating an environment where individuals can exchange ideas and be safe, accepted and respected. Please read the APS Honors and Awards Policy.
Trainee awards are geared towards student and postdoctoral-level members. They are listed in alphabetical order by application deadline. Please select a month to see award deadlines for that month. Months without award deadlines do not appear on the list.
Please visit each individual web page for award and application details, as well as eligibility and review criteria.
- Cardiovascular Section New Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the CV Section banquet) – January 6
- Cardiovascular Section Outstanding Graduate Student Trainee Award (First place receives $1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit. Second and third place receive $500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit.) – January 6
- Cardiovascular Section Outstanding Postdoctoral Trainee Award (First place receives $1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit. Second and third place: $500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee) – January 6
- Cardiovascular Section Research Recognition Awards ($500, reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the CV Section banquet) – January 6
- Cardiovascular Section Young Investigator Award ($500, plus a complimentary ticket to the CV Section banquet) – January 6
- Cell & Molecular Physiology Section Research Recognition Awards ($500, plus reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Cell & Molecular Physiology Section Robert Gunn Student Awards ($500, plus reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Central Nervous System Section Research Recognition Awards ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Central Nervous System Section Van Harreveld Memorial Award ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Comparative & Evolutionary Physiology Section Research Recognition Awards ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the CEPS banquet) – January 6
- Comparative & Evolutionary Physiology Section Scholander Award ($500, plus reimbursement of early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit and a one-year complimentary APS membership). First runners up (one undergraduate, one graduate) receive $250.00. – January 6
- Comparative & Evolutionary Physiology Section Travel Award sponsored by Dr. Dolittle ($500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the CEPS banquet) – January 6
- Comparative & Evolutionary Physiology Section Travel Award sponsored by Novo Nordisk Foundation ($500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the CEPS banquet) – January 6
- Endocrinology & Metabolism Section Research Recognition Awards ($500, plus reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Endocrinology & Metabolism Section Virenda B. Mahesh Award for Excellence in Endocrinology ($2,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section New Investigator Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of early registration fees for the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section CANTROL Environmental Systems Predoctoral Research Award ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fees to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section CANTROL Environmental Systems Postdoctoral Research Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Gatorade Sport Science Institute Postdoctoral Research Award ($750 plus reimbursement of the early registration fees to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Gatorade Sport Science Institute Predoctoral Research Award ($600 plus reimbursement of the early registration fees to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Nike Loren G. Myhre Postdoctoral Research Award ($1,500 and early registration reimbursement to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Nike Loren G. Myhre Predoctoral Research Award ($1,500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fees to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Partnership for Clean Competition Anti-doping Postdoctoral Research Award ($2,000 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Partnership for Clean Competition Anti-doping Predoctoral Research Award ($2,000 plus reimbursement of the early registration fees for the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Research Recognition Award ($500 plus reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- FaunaBio Translational Research Award- ($1500 plus up to $500 reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) January 6
- Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology Section Research Recognition Awards ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit. and complimentary admission to the Section Banquet dinner) – January 6
- Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology Section Trainee Poster Awards ($500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the Gastrointestinal & Liver banquet) – January 6
- Janet and Robert Speth Undergraduate Researcher Award ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Michael J. Brody Young Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- NCARnation Trainee Presentation Awards ($250) – January 6
- Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation (NCAR) American Physiology Summit Trainee Travel Award ($500) – January 6
- Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation (NCAR) Outstanding Graduate Student Award ($500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) - January 6
- Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section Research Recognition Awards ($500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Renal Section Predoctoral Excellence in Renal Research Awards-($500)– January 6
- Renal Section Postdoctoral Excellence in Renal Research Awards ($500)– January 6
- Renal Section Research Recognition Awards ($500, reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the Section banquet) – January 6
- Respiration Section Outstanding Trainee Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Respiration Section banquet) – January 6
- Respiration Section Research Recognition Awards ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Respiration Section dinner) – January 6
- Respiration Section Trainee Poster Presentation Awards ($100) – January 6
- Respiration Section The Usha Awards ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Respiration Section Dinner) - January 6
- Teaching of Physiology Section New Investigator Award ($1,000 and reimbursement of the early registration to the American Physiology Summit) - January 6
- Teaching Section Research Recognition Awards ($500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Teaching of Physiology Section banquet) – January 6
- The Charlie Bates Research Award ($1,000, early registration reimbursement to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section and Juan Carlos Romero Postdoctoral Research Award – (Finalist receive $1,000, plus a complimentary one-year APS membership and a ticket to the WEH Section luncheon. Two runners-up will receive $500)- January 6
- Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section Leonard Shard Predoctoral Research Awards – ($1000, plus a complimentary one-year APS membership and a complimentary ticket to the WEH Section luncheon, Finalists receive $500.) – January 6
- Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section Research Recognition Awards ($500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the WEH Section luncheon) – January 6
- William Galey Scholarship Award ($1,000, plus a complimentary ticket to the Teaching of Physiology Section banquet at the Summit or complimentary registration for the Effective Teaching Course ($900 value) – January 6
- Dependent Support Travel Award (up to $500) – January 15
- Dale J. Benos Early Career Professional Service Award ($1,000 and reimbursement of early registration to the American Physiology Summit) – January 17
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships ($4,000 stipend, $300 grant to research host) – February 1
- Porter Physiology Development Fellowship ($28,300) – February 3
- Dependent Support Travel Award for the Integrative Physiology of Exercise Conference (up to $500) – September 16
- Arthur C. Guyton Awards for Excellence in Integrative Physiology ($10,000, and reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – December 16
- Barbara A. Horwitz and John M. Horowitz Outstanding Undergraduate Abstract Awards ($100 and a complimentary one-year APS membership) – December 16
- Dean Franklin Young Investigator Award (DSI Instrumentation Starter Kit (approximate value $20,000) and reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – December 16
- Early-career Advocacy Fellowship (up to $1,500 travel reimbursement) – December 16
- Giles F. Filley Memorial Awards for Excellence in Respiratory Physiology & Medicine ($10,000) – December 16
- The International Early-career Physiologist (IECP) Travel Awards ($1,000) – December 16
- Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award (up to $1500 travel reimbursement) – December 16
- Shih-Chun Wang Young Investigator Award ($10,000) – December 16
- Translational Research Award ($500 for predoctoral or $800 for postdoctoral and early registration fee reimbursement to the American Physiology Summit) – December 16
Apply Anytime
- Local Undergraduate Research Awards in Physiology – Applications accepted
on an on-going, year-round basis